Training dedicated to understanding the needs of unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) is critical to fostering an informed approach to support children who have fled their home country without their birth parents or family. Designed to equip professionals with specialised skills and expertise, UASC training focuses on supporting practitioners to understand the psychological, emotional and social needs of separated children, to embed trauma informed ways of working with unaccompanied and separated children, providing compassionate care, and overcoming unique challenges faced by this population including challenges with communication.
Our approach to UASC training
Our training aims to increase the knowledge, skills, and understanding of professionals working with UASC in order to effectively support their emotional and psychological wellbeing. The training highlights the complex needs of unaccompanied children – which often include specific legal, social, and psychological needs – enabling professionals to offer appropriate trauma informed care.
At Meadows Psychology Service, our training is based on a trauma-informed practice. This focuses on increasing professionals’ awareness of how trauma can impact children’s emotional, social, and biological development, as well as their ability to feel safe with support providers. We prepare professionals with the skills to work in collaboration with unaccompanied young people to give them what they need to feel safe and cared for.
Why is UASC training important for providers?
UASC training is crucial for providers as it equips them with the knowledge and skills to understand different experiences and help children overcome various challenges. Often, unaccompanied children have arrived from conflict zones or have experienced significant trauma which impacts their physical and emotional wellbeing and their ability to experience safety in a new environment.
It is important we don’t see unaccompanied children as a homogenous group, their needs are often complex and multifaceted. This requires organisations to assess their individual needs to be able to support them fully. Some of the unique needs and challenges UASC face can include, but are not limited to:
Legal issues
Unaccompanied children are more likely to face legal intricacies as they move through the asylum process. As well as legal representation, they’ll also need emotional support during this time. The fact they are separated from their birth family and support network means that child criminal exploitation and child sexual exploitation is a potential risk. Our training and development programs allow practitioners to navigate these complex risk cases.
Language barriers and cultural awareness
Unaccompanied children often speak English as a second language, or sometimes not at all, and can struggle to communicate effectively as a result. Learning to speak a new language is daunting and struggling to communicate their needs or feelings can lead to psychological distress and problems accessing services.
Difficulty in communicating can also result in children feeling disconnected from their new community, which can lead to social isolation.
Educational support in schools
We understand that educational settings can be extremely daunting for asylum seeking children. The difficulties are wide-ranging but can include: difficulties with language and social interaction, sensory process problems, and issues regulating emotions and behaviour. When not handled with expertise, this can lead to UASC not progressing as they should in the education system and beyond.
Who is UASC training suitable for?
Our training is for any professional working with or supporting an unaccompanied child. The specific training material may differ based on your role and area of support. We typically work with:
- Residential Children’s Homes
- Supported Accommodation Providers
- Local Authorities
- Adoption and Fostering Support Agencies
- Schools and Education Settings
- Social Workers
How can we help with UASC training?
We have a range of comprehensive courses and training material suitable for all organisations that work with unaccompanied and separated children and young people.
Our team consists of a number of experienced and compassionate psychologists and psychological therapists trained in various therapeutic disciplines.
If you would like more information on our training program and how they can help the needs of your particular service, please contact us via our contact form or email us at