Complaints Procedure

MPS wants all those using our services to be able to express when they aren’t satisfied.
MPS want all our staff within MPS, and those using our MPS service to be happy and satisfied with the services we deliver.
For staff members employed by MPS, we would expects any concerns to be expressed to line manager, in the first instance, or raise a formal grievance in line with our company HR policies and procedures as laid out in the Statement of Terms (Contract) and the Employee handbook which everyone receives upon employment.
MPS wants all those using our services to be able to express when they aren’t satisfied. We hope that this could be rectified in an informal manner but if this was not possible or not deemed effective/satisfactory, then there will be the ability to follow a complaints procedure.
How to Complain
Complaints can be made anonymously or in person verbally or in writing to one of the service directors; Nicola Curran, Jane Toner, Jade law, Jonathan Rigg.
The address to send the complaints to is: MPS, Egerton House, Wardle Road, Rochdale, OL12 9EN.
Or via email.
The Investigation Process
Stage 1
- An investigating officer (IO) is identified. They will be the point of contact for the complainant and lead/investigate/complete the process. A log of all complaints, timescales and outcomes will be held centrally.
- The IO will acknowledge the receipt and outline the timescales and plan ahead.
- A fact-finding meeting will be held with the complainant.
- If action can be taken at this point to resolve the dissatisfaction then this will be documented and records held by MPS and the complainant.
- If not resolved, the IO will carry out any other checks/meetings/investigations and agree an outcome letter.
- The IO will aim for this all to be completed in 14 days if possible.
- If the complainant is not happy with this outcome then the complaint will pass to stage 2.
Stage 2
- The IO will pass this complaint onto one of the Company Directors.
- The nominated Director will look at the complaint.
- Further investigations will take place, further meetings will take place if required and additional people/procedures investigated.
- Stage 2 will also be investigated where possible, in 14 days.
- If the complainant is still dissatisfied, it will process to stage 3.
Stage 3
At this stage, the complainant is within their rights (as at all times) to go to a relevant independent body, the complainant will be supported through the process.
General Principles
- Complaints will be dealt with in an impartial and non-adversarial manner.
- All involved in given the complaints and the IO will be expected to be polite and professional at all times.
- MPS will complete documentation about all aspects of the procedure t ensure transparency.
- After each complaint conclusion, the Board of Directors will review what has happened and use this as a learning opportunity.
- Throughout all stages of the process, complainants are able to withdraw at any time. They are also able to inform external bodies of their complaints.
- If the complaint raises any Safeguarding concerns then this will be escalated to the safeguarding processes.