Therapeutic Input For Supported Accommodation Services – Testimonials

Meadows Psychology Service has worked with supported accommodation providers to provide training and consultation aimed at developing therapeutic practice across their services.

MPS have worked with supported accommodation providers to meet the standards required by Ofsted regulations, which include supporting staff to have a good understanding of developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences, to work using therapeutic strategies and to develop psychologically informed services.

Meadows Psychology Service is proud to work with a number of supported accommodation organisations dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young people.

Therapeutic Input For Supported Accommodation Services – Client Testimonials 

Some testimonials have been anonymised to comply with company privacy policies. 

Support Worker “E” – Supported Housing Provider 

E said that “the training this week could not have come at a better time” and that she was “able to deal with the situation differently” than she would have done previously. 

E said that YP had thanked her for listening and said she just wanted to be heard, and that it is the first time she’s finished work after a heightened shift, knowing she had made a difference”. 

E was exhausted and quite emotional but said how grateful she was for the opportunity to complete the training and how she is already putting into practice what she has learned. She said she feels more confident in her role, especially when supporting YP.

Alex Butler – Head of Support at Moving Up Care Ltd

We have had a great week here at Moving Up Ltd being trained by Meadows Psychology Service in trauma informed support. This is the starting point of our journey with them to embed trauma-informed approaches into all aspects of our organisation and our practice, through face-to-face training, online training, a full review of our policies and reporting practices as well as ongoing therapeutic consultations for the Senior Leadership Team. This week has been an amazing start and we want to say a massive thank you.

For so long support accommodation has been seen as a ‘lesser’ option at a care setting and it is only through providers investing in services such as this, to improve and elevate standards, that we can move away from that narrative.”

Local Authority Social Worker 

When asked how the consultation support provided to the professional network around a young person living with a supported accommodation provider, the feedback given was:

“…the consultation to the home, social worker and college has been really helpful to get everybody to have a really good understanding of the YP’s (young persons) needs and to work in a consistent and therapeutic way across the different settings”.

Further Supported Accommodation provider feedback from training evaluation with Young People First:

The PACE approach to interacting with people who have been through trauma.”

“Thank you for everything, I have learned so much.”

“Amazing instructor!”

“I’m going to be non-reactive to challenging or distressing behaviour, I’ll be calm and explore”

“I’m going to bring the therapeutic skills and strategies into the workplace”

“Very informative and interesting”

“Loved learning about different parts of the brain and the iceberg model”

“I’m going to take everything on board and apply PACE to every situation I can”

Why should you choose therapeutic input for your supported accommodation service?

Embedding therapeutic practice across your supported accommodation settings will ensure that the organisation is working in a trauma informed way.

Meadows Psychology Service do this through the following service offers for supported accommodation:


We have a robust training package for supported accommodation providers that covers the following areas:

  • Child development, developmental trauma and attachment
  • Adverse Childhood and Community Experiences
  • The impact of trauma on the brain
  • Developing psychologically informed environments
  • Embedding a therapeutic model
  • De-escalation skills for working with adolescents
  • Therapeutic skills when working with Young People
  • Embedding PACE approaches

Psychological Consultation

Regular psychological consultation to your service will provide a space to embed the trauma informed learning from training. This space can be used flexibly, to think about the needs of the young people within the service, and to reflect on some of the systems and processes in the organisation, to ensure they reflect a trauma informed approach.

Psychological Assessment and Individual Therapy

For young people who are presenting with more complex needs we can provide a comprehensive psychological assessment with therapeutic recommendations for the setting and the system around the young person.

Having an understanding of developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences is key to ensuring all staff support young people through a trauma lens, recognising the impact early trauma experiences have on the later presentation of behaviour.

By teaching therapeutic skills for staff, supporting them to respond to high levels of distress in a different way. In working through a trauma informed lens staff have a better understanding of both the needs of the young people, but also themselves.

Contact Meadows Psychology Service Today

If your supported accommodation organisation needs therapeutic support and training, Meadows Psychology Service can help.

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