LAC Therapist

A LAC (looked after child) therapist plays an important role in the lives of children who are unable to live with their parents. Children who are looked after typically live in foster homes or in residential children’s homes. LAC therapists have extensive experience working with children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma. They are trained to provide specialised therapeutic support to help traumatised children cope with their previous experiences. 

Meadows Psychology Service offers a range of psychological services and mental health interventions for children and adolescents. One of the primary objectives of a LAC therapist is to create a safe and nurturing environment where the child can explore their previous experiences if they choose and develop therapy goals. This is done through a variety of techniques, including creative therapies such as play therapy, drama therapy and art therapy, dyadic therapies where the child works with a carer and a therapist such as  Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and talking therapies. Through these interventions, children can develop healthy coping mechanisms.

How does a LAC therapist understand a child’s needs fully?

A LAC therapist will collaborate closely with other professionals which are involved in the child’s care, such as social workers, foster parents, carers, teachers and other members of school staff.  This is to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the child and young persons needs.  By having a collaborative relationship with other professionals, it ensures that any interventions are consistent across different settings. Following a thorough psychological assessment a LAC therapist will make therapeutic recommendations both for the individual child or young person and for the system that supports them. 

Another crucial aspect of the therapist’s role is to assist children in understanding and processing the reasons for their placement in care, as well as helping them build a sense of identity and belonging. This can be particularly challenging for looked after children who will have experienced trauma and loss and often a number of disruptions to their care resulting from placement moves.

How LAC therapists contribute to long-term success

Here at Meadows Psychology Service, we have LAC therapists which are compassionate and dedicated to helping children in foster care and residential settings. Our therapists have the experience, skills and knowledge to navigate the complex emotional challenges which children may often have faced. The psychological support which our therapists provide not only improves the mental health and well-being of these children, but also contributes to their long-term success and happiness as they transition into adulthood. Their unwavering commitment to the welfare of looked after children is just the beginning of what can be a challenging journey towards healing.

Contact Meadows Psychology Service today

Meadows Psychology Service has experienced LAC therapists who have the expertise to provide individuals with support. Our therapists are highly knowledgeable and have tried and tested theories which are successfully applied to each individual. Contact us today to find out more.

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