Herefordshire Safe Connections Service

Meadows Psychology Service are honoured to be delivering ‘Safe Connections’ (formally Herefordshire Intensive Placement Support Service, HIPSS), the relaunched service for Herefordshire’s care experienced children. 

When planning the delivery of the new service, we consulted with foster carers and care experienced children and young people to identify a name for the service that fits with their experiences of being supported by HIPSS. We are really grateful to those who contributed.

The overall purpose of the service is to provide a therapeutic support service to meet the emotional health and wellbeing needs for Herefordshire’s care experienced children and young people.  

As a clinical psychology led, national centre of excellence in trauma informed practice, Meadows Psychology Service are experts in working with developmental and relational trauma.

At Meadows Psychology Service, we truly believe that relational trauma requires relational repair, and that adopting a relational and systemic perspective is vitally important to best support children and young people.   We place significant emphasis on working with the system around care experienced children and a lot of our work will be supporting carers to develop therapeutic skills. 

The aims of the service include helping children and young people develop greater emotional well-being and support so that they can engage in meaningful relationships, participate positively in the community, take advantage of opportunities in education and learning and live successful independent lives. Through a tiered approach, our multidisciplinary team will be providing individually-tailored intensive wrap-around therapeutic intervention packages, which are outcome-focused and based on evidence-based practices.

We place significant value on working with the caregiving systems around children and young people, and will work alongside local authority and health partners to ensure that Meadows Psychology Service are embedded into the service offer for Herefordshire; thereby reducing demand on statutory services, and supporting service sufficiency.

We sincerely look forward to working alongside our colleagues in the local authority for the benefit of both Herefordshire’s care experienced children and young people, and the people who support and look after them.

For more information, please get in touch via our online contact form:

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