Foster Carer Training

Foster carer training is an essential component that supports foster carers to develop skills in supporting cared for children who have experienced significant trauma. Foster carer training is designed to equip individuals or families with the necessary skills, knowledge and tools to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children and young people who are unable to live with their biological families. Foster carer training plays a pivotal role in supporting the emotional health and  well-being of vulnerable children and young people, as well improving the success and stability of foster placements.

The objectives of foster carer training

One of the main objectives of foster carer training is to prepare individuals for the unique challenges and responsibilities of fostering. Training will cover a wide range of topics, from child development, developmental trauma, adverse childhood experiences, trauma-informed care and supporting foster carers to develop skills to therapeutically parent when presented with behaviour that challenges. This provides prospective and current foster carers with the necessary knowledge and skills in these areas, allowing them to be better equipped to understand and meet the needs of the children in their care.

Foster carer training provided by Meadows Psychology Service places a strong emphasis on developing the interpersonal and communication skills necessary to build safe, positive relationships with foster children. Therapeutic parenting skills are critical to creating a sense of safety and trust for foster families, which is often crucial for children who have previously experienced trauma or instability. Foster carers will learn evidence based therapeutic parenting strategies such as P.A.C.E (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy).

Ongoing support and development 

After robust training in therapeutic parenting, foster carers will receive ongoing support from one of our specialist psychological therapists.This ongoing support will offer the space to reflect on some of the challenges presented as a foster carer and will allow for practice of the skills developed over the course of training. We can also offer ongoing consultation to support foster carers in thinking about the emotional health and wellbeing needs of their foster children. 

Over the past few years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for specialised training to address the unique needs of children who have experienced significant trauma.. This specialised training ensures that foster carers have the tools and knowledge required to provide tailored care to these children, ultimately improving their outcomes.

Why it is important to invest in foster carer training

Foster carer training is a critical component of the foster care system, providing individuals and families with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to create safe and nurturing environments for children and young people in need. This training not only benefits children in care but also contributes to the overall success and stability of the foster care system. 

How can Meadows Psychology Service help?

Meadows Psychology Service has experienced, accredited, psychological therapists who have the expertise in working with developmental trauma, to provide individuals with foster carer training. Our therapists are highly knowledgeable and have tried and tested theories which are successfully applied to each individual. Contact us today to find out more.

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