
EMDR for Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can leave lasting emotional and psychological wounds that persist into adulthood. Fortunately, there are therapeutic approaches like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) that offer hope and healing for individuals who have experienced such trauma. EMDR has gained recognition from the World Health Organisation for its effectiveness in addressing the negative impact of […]

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Childhood Trauma Psychologist – Choosing The Right Psychologist For Each Individual

Childhood trauma is a distressing and impactful experience that can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. To help individuals overcome the adverse effects of such experiences, childhood trauma psychologists play a vital role.  Understanding Childhood Trauma: Childhood trauma encompasses a range of adverse experiences that occur during one’s formative […]

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Therapeutic support for Education, Residential Homes, and Supported Accommodation for 16-18-Year-Olds

Therapeutic support for children and adolescents in educational and residential variety of settings has been proven to significantly improve outcomes in a range of areas and support their development and ability to achieve their potential have significant importance to recovery and development. This holistic approach to care acknowledges each individual’s complex needs in these environments […]

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CBT for Childhood Trauma

CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) for childhood trauma is an evidence based treatment approach addressing the mental health needs of children, adolescents, and families suffering from the destructive and damaging events of early trauma. CBT is designed to reduce negative emotional and behavioural responses resulting from past trauma. This therapeutic approach is designed to provide a […]

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Childhood Trauma Counselling and Therapy

Childhood trauma counselling and therapy can help children and young people process experiences of previous trauma and develop more adaptive coping strategies to support them. What is childhood trauma or developmental trauma? Van Der Kolk, a leading trauma psychologist, initially coined the term Developmental Trauma, seeking to expand the definition of trauma to include the […]

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Therapeutic Support for Residential Children’s Homes

Therapeutic support for residential children’s homes is a core offer here at Meadows Psychology Service.  Children who are looked after can experience significant trauma. They have often experienced multiple losses and disruptions to their attachment relationships and require specialist support. We are highly committed to supporting providers to develop their therapeutic practice in order to […]

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Cognitive Assessments for Children

What are cognitive assessments for children? Cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and senses. Cognitive assessments are used to measure our thinking abilities. These include: A cognitive assessment can be helpful to identify what a child may struggle with, or what they may find easy. An assessment can help […]

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Therapy for Childhood Trauma

Therapy for childhood trauma can provide a safe space for children and young people to talk about previous traumatic experiences and find ways to cope. Trauma is the term used to describe the impact of early, repeated trauma and loss which happens within the child’s important relationships, and usually early in life. Common factors leading […]

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Psychological Assessments

Meadows Psychology Service offers a range of psychological assessments for children and adolescents. The specialist assessments Meadows Psychology Service offers can provide a thorough understanding of the needs of children and young people who have experienced difficulties such as adverse childhood experiences and developmental trauma.   Why choose Meadows Psychology Service for a psychological assessment? The […]

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